|Pc or Amiga from the keyboard of bullybeef of SDT/NFA Ok,all you Amiga owners out there who have taken stick off some spotty pc owning twat,want to get your own back eh?,well this is the letter to read,i know us amiga owners do not go in for calling PCs cos we know the amiga is a better machine and all that sort of stuff , but what the hell you have got to keep them in there place every now and then ,know what i mean?. Pc owners think that the amiga is just a games playing machine that can word process ,i am sure you have heard this phrase during the time you have owned you beloved computer ,the culprits are normally those train spotting type people known as "THE PC OWNER". Although the amiga is regarded as little more than a games machine by the uninformed ,with recent titles exploiting the amiga`s potential and all the shit about commodore being sorted out the future for the amiga owner is brighter than ever before ,take Real 3D for example ,it is the most powerful ray-tracer available and it is at least on par with sili- con graphics programs costing thousands. Lets not forget Adpro ,Deluxe paint ,Brilliance ,Bars ans pipes ,Image- FX ,Morphplus ,Lightwave ,and Final writer to name a few that are a lot better than anything that the pc can offer ,and another thing most have in common is they adhere to commodore`s workbench guidelines ,and you all know that workbench is the most powerful operating system available (easily outperforming windows and system),these titles guarantee a very versatile and user-friendly anvironment. So if we were being honest, it is clear that the tables have turned, Pc owners have recently taken a huge interest (to describe it lightly) in doom and similar titles ,while the pc is becoming increasingly popular to the games fanatic ,professionals and serious enthusiasts are now realising the benefits of using the amiga ,i know of many Pc owners who are switching to the amiga ,you have to buy a sound card and a graphics card to make a Pc a half decent computor ,it has not got a blitter chip like the amiga so it can not scroll to save it`s life ,you might think i do not like the Pc but you would be wrong ,i think that every one has the right to like any computer they want to ,but what i do not like is some stupid half wit going on about how much better there Pc is to my amiga when they do not know there head from there arse I could go on all day about the advantages of the amiga ,like the price of a good pc (if there is such a thing as a good pc ?? ) to the price of an amiga with hard drive ,extra mem ,FPU ,a faster processer ,and a moniter,and you would still have a fair bit of money left over from the price of the pc,and a better machine,when people compare pc`s to amiga`s they seem to get the most expensive pc and an A500 which is not very fair is it ,why don`t they compare it to a suped up A1200 or a A4000 and see what they think then ,but they won`t and we all know why? Multitasking is another thing but i do not want to take the piss out of pc`s to much as i am a nice person (so my mum says),there is so much more you can say on the subject but i think i have upset them pc owners enough for one day (oh what a shame ). Basically ,what i am trying to say is that the Pc is ,in comparison to the amiga ,just a games playing machine that can word process. ps If any Pc owners have got upset about what i have written. |TUFF SHITTY.